Matthew Guthaus

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Matthew Guthaus



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I’m a Professor at UC Santa Cruz in the area of chip design and electronic design automation (EDA). I’m the lead PI of the VLSI Design and Automation Lab as well as a member of the Hardware Systems Collective.

I founded the VLSI Design Automation (VLSI-DA) lab at UC Santa Cruz in Fall 2006. The primary research focus is on physical design, circuits, and algorithms research. Topics that have been investigated include design for low-power circuits, variability and reliability, thermal-aware design, and error tolerant circuit design.

Latest News

VLSI-DA lab a paper at ICCAD 2024!

The VLSI-DA lab will have a paper at ICCAD 2024 in Newark, NJ. The paper is GAT-Steiner: Rectilinear Steiner Minimal Tree Prediction Using GNNs by Bugra Onal, Eren Dogan, Muhammad Hadir Khan, Matthew R Guthaus. A pre-print is available here.